Loan Performer is the number 1 Microfinance software for MFI institutions worldwide
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Grow Your Loan Portfolio with Loan Performer

Harold K. Chea, Regional Manager, USCU Inc.: "You have done an outstanding job for the Loan Performer micro-finance software you initiated for credit unions in Liberia."

Sacco Software
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Loan Performer 8 is the standard for microfinance!

Loan Performer Version 8 will take you to the next level. It offers higher security, better reporting and new services for your clients. Experience an ultimate first class Management Information System with SMS banking, Biometric Finger Print Scanning, WAN functionality, Internet Access for account holders, Standing Orders, Multi-Currency, Poverty Assessment etc.

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First Class mobile banking

The Loan Performer web app is now out :

Loan Performer now has a web app that can be used in tandem with the Loan Performer desktop and using the same database. Now you can send out your credit officer with mobile phones or tablets to update Loan Performer from the field.


FingerPrint Scanning:

You can use the Biometric Scanner when; Users are logging in, Withdrawal from Savings, Time Deposit withdrawals and Loan disbursements.

First Class mobile banking

SMS/Mobile Banking:

For the first time, you can deliver updates directly to your client's phone. The phones must support Java (almost all phones including China models are Java enabled). Read more...

Wide Area Network:

You can now implement Loan Performer 8 over a WAN/Internet link with speeds of at least 1 mbps. Knowledge of IIS, SQL Server configuration are needed. Read more...

Version 8 in a Nutshell
  • Multi Currency Support!
  • Exportation to other accounting packages
  • Sales and Purchases.
  • All Financial Statements.
  • SMS Banking.
  • WAN connectivity
  • Shares and Time Deposits
In the Press
CCS documentary

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